Performing Arts » Theater


The theater program is taught/directed by Ms. Annie Challice. The theater program includes a semester class in Intro to Theater Skills where students will explore and broaden their knowledge and appreciation of theatre and acting. This class will explore many different aspects such as theatre history, acting basics, improvisation, film, and technical theatre. Students will be very hands-on in this class completing different projects such as: great performance projects, creating their own production projects, Shakespeare parody performances, different monologues, and scene work.  
The theater program also includes two full staged productions a year: a fall play and a spring musical. The fall play is a non musical that alternates between genres such as drama, comedy, and Shakespeare; and encourages students to explore their acting skills. The musical is produced every Spring and allows the students to explore singing, acting, and dance all within one production!
The theater program also includes a Drama Club that students can join and run themselves. The club includes events such as Broadway trips and runs fundraisers such as a singing faux diner night.