From the Director

Welcome to the MHC Academy Alumnae page. For over 80 years, Mary Help has faithfully carried on its mission to enable young women to develop their spiritual growth, leadership potential, and social responsibility. These graduates have gone on to demonstrate strong character and integrity, effecting change in every area of society. Part of our charism is to establish a home that welcomes, and for those of you who attended, even if only for a short time, Mary Help will always be your home.
We invite you to be an active part of our Alumnae community, to which your membership has been established by your attendance at the Academy. As always, please come home and join us for monthly school Masses, intramurals, Don Bosco Day, Gratitude Day, May Crowning, the Fall and Spring Productions, the performances of our choir and instrumental ensemble, and the various fun events hosted by our PTG, just to name a few. We want to see you come home!
To this end, we need to keep in touch (doesn’t every family?). Please contact me to make sure you are on our email list to receive our monthly email with invites to all of the latest school events open to alumnae and their families. If you update your information on the menu to the right, I'd appreciate that!
Have any exciting news to share of your accomplishments or life events? Click on "Share Alumnae News".
Are you planning a class reunion? I can help you find the contact info of your friends - click on "Planning a Reunion". I am here to help you stay connected, so if you have any suggestions or ideas for events or ways to improve alumnae outreach, please reach out.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.